// Popup front-end code // This code needs to be refactored to consolidate all the similar routines // AJAX Functions // Functions are all seperate so we could do different funky stuff with each var ajax_auction_loading = false; var ajax_bid_loading = false; var ajax_other_loading = false; function ajax_auctions_loading(on) { if (on) { ajax_auction_loading = true; // do funky stuff here } else { // clear funky stuff here ajax_auction_loading = false; } } function ajax_bids_loading(on) { if (on) { ajax_bid_loading = true; // do funky stuff here } else { // clear funky stuff here ajax_bid_loading = false; } } //Ajax.Responders.register({ // onCreate: function(){ Element.show('spinner')}, // onComplete: function(){Element.hide('spinner')} //}); function ajax_others_loading(on) { if (on) { ajax_other_loading = true; // do funky stuff here } else { // clear funky stuff here ajax_other_loading = false; } } function ajax_auction_request( in_auction ) { // retreive form data var auction_id = jQuery("input#formauctionid").val(); var currencysymbol = jQuery("input#currencysymbol").val(); if (ajax_auction_loading) return false; ajax_auctions_loading ( true ); // new jQuery AJAX routine jQuery.ajax ({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?queryauction', data : { auction_ID : auction_id, _ajax_nonce: 'ece87016f1' }, error: function(request,textStatus,errorThrown) { // alert((request.status!=406? ' WP_Auction Error '+request.status+' : '+request.statusText+'\n' : '')+request.responseText); }, success: function(request, status) { ajax_auctions_loading(false); if (status!="success") alert (status); //"return" // update auction on screen auction_details = request.split('|'); jQuery('#wpa-popupid').val(auction_id); jQuery('#engine').val(auction_details[20]); jQuery('#wpa-request_popupauction_id').val(auction_id); jQuery("#wpa-button-bids").show(); // first let's check if auction is open if (auction_details[8] == 0 || auction_details[22] == 0) { // auction is closed jQuery("#wpa-button-bid").hide(); jQuery("#wpa-button-bin").hide(); winningbid_message = currencysymbol+auction_details[10]; // if closed we still need to specify there's no BIN_price BIN_price = ""; } else { // auction is open jQuery("#wpa-button-bid").show(); winningbid_message = "Open"; // if auction has no BIN we should hide the section BIN_price = auction_details[11]; if (BIN_price == 0) { jQuery("#wpa-button-bin").hide(); } else { jQuery("#wpa-button-bin").show(); // check for BIN only if (auction_details[6] == 0) { jQuery("#wpa-button-bid").hide(); jQuery("#wpa-button-bids").hide(); } } } // description pane ***************************** // prepare details reserve_message = "N/A"; reserve_secondary_message = "N/A"; if ( auction_details[19] > 0 ) { if ( (auction_details[19] * 1) > (auction_details[3] * 1)) { // cast to compare as numeric reserve_message = "Reserve not met"; reserve_secondary_message = "Not met"; // change heading for winning bid jQuery('#winning_bid_caption').html("Highest Bid") } else { reserve_message = "Reserve met"; reserve_secondary_message = "Met"; } } shippingto_message = ( auction_details[17] == "" ) ? "N/A" : auction_details[17]; shippingfrom_message = ( auction_details[21] == "" ) ? "N/A" : auction_details[21]; // present details // do we have a category category_message = ""; if (auction_details[24] != "") { category_message = "

Category: " + auction_details[24] + "

"; } jQuery('#wpa-description-title').html(auction_details[1]); jQuery('#wpa-description-p').html(category_message + auction_details[2]); jQuery('#wpa-description-reserve').html(reserve_message); jQuery('#wpa-description-starting').html(currencysymbol+auction_details[6]); if ( auction_details[23] != "" ) { jQuery('#wpa-description-shipping').html(auction_details[23]); } else { if ( auction_details[16] == 0 ) { jQuery('#wpa-description-shipping').html("N/A"); } else { jQuery('#wpa-description-shipping').html(currencysymbol+auction_details[16]); } } jQuery('#wpa-description-shippingto').html(shippingto_message); jQuery('#wpa-description-shippingfrom').html(shippingfrom_message); jQuery('#wpa-description-winningbid').html(winningbid_message); // bid pane ***************************** // prepare details currentbid_message = ( auction_details[3] == "" ) ? "No bids yet" : currencysymbol + auction_details[3]; jQuery("input#wpa-popbid").prop('disabled', false); switch ( auction_details[20] ) { case "1": // standard engine maximumbid_message = "Enter Your Maximum Bid"; bidhigher_message = "Bid " + currencysymbol + auction_details[15] + " or higher"; break; case "2": // simple engine maximumbid_message = "Enter Your Bid"; bidhigher_message = "Bid " + currencysymbol + auction_details[15] + " or higher"; break; case "3": // reverse engine maximumbid_message = "Enter Your Bid"; bidhigher_message = "Bid " + currencysymbol + auction_details[15] + " or lower"; break; case "4": // quick buy engine maximumbid_message = "Confirm Your Bid"; bidhigher_message = "Next Bid: " + currencysymbol + auction_details[15]; // extra config for quick buy jQuery("#wpa-popbid").val( auction_details[15] ); jQuery("input#wpa-popbid").prop('disabled', true); break; default: maximumbid_message = "WARNING: Auction type not defined"; bidhigher_message = "WARNING: Auction type not defined"; } // present details jQuery('#wpa-currentbid').html(currentbid_message); jQuery('#wpa-currentbidreserve').html(reserve_secondary_message); jQuery('#wpa-currentbidending').html(auction_details[5]); // #wpa-currentbidwinner populated by bid call jQuery('#wpa-maximumbid').html(maximumbid_message); jQuery('#wpa-bidhigher').html(bidhigher_message); jQuery('#wpa-currencysymbol').html(currencysymbol); jQuery('#wpa-currencysymbolbin').html(currencysymbol); // bin pane ***************************** if (BIN_price != 0) { jQuery('#wpa-currencysymbolbin').html(currencysymbol); jQuery("input#wpa-popbin").val( BIN_price ); jQuery("input#wpa-popbin").attr("disabled",true); } // images pane ***************************** (we don't meed to do this if we've only had a bid) if (!in_auction) { if (auction_details[7] == "") { // no images tabs_container = '
'; tabs = '
  • Image
  • '; } else { thumbs = auction_details[18].split('^'); tabs_container = '
    '; tabs = '
  • Image
  • '; // additional images for(var i=0;i<3;i++) { if (auction_details[12+i] != '') { tabs_container = tabs_container + '
    '; tabs = tabs + '
  • Image
  • '; } } } jQuery("#wpa-tabs").html( '' + tabs_container ); resetTabs(); } } }); // get bids ajax_bids_request(auction_id); // fire off call to update other auctions ajax_other_request(auction_id); return false; } function ajax_bids_request(auction_id) { var currencysymbol = jQuery("input#currencysymbol").val(); var engine = jQuery("input#engine").val(); var customcontact = ""; if (ajax_bid_loading) return false; ajax_bids_loading ( true ); // new jQuery AJAX routine jQuery.ajax ({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?querybids', data : { auction_ID : auction_id, engine : engine, _ajax_nonce: 'ece87016f1' }, error: function(request,textStatus,errorThrown) { // alert((request.status!=406? ' WP_Auction Error '+request.status+' : '+request.statusText+'\n' : '')+request.responseText); }, success: function(request, status) { ajax_bids_loading(false); if (status!="success") alert (status); //"return" current_winner = "None"; // update bids on screen if (request == '') { var bid_output = 'No bids found'; } else { bids_details = request.split('|'); var bid_output = '
      '; var lines = (bids_details.length/5)-1; for(var i=0;i'; if (bids_details[i*5+2]=="" || customcontact != "") { bid_output = bid_output + bids_details[i*5+1]; } else { bid_output = bid_output + '' + bids_details[i*5+1] + ''; } bid_output = bid_output + ' bid ' + currencysymbol + bids_details[i*5+4] + ' on ' + bids_details[i*5+3]; if (bids_details[i*5+5] == "auto") { bid_output = bid_output + ' [auto]'; } if (bids_details[i*5+5] == "advance") { bid_output = bid_output + ' [increased max bid]'; } bid_output = bid_output + ''; } bid_output = bid_output + '
    '; } jQuery('#wpa-currentbids').html(bid_output); jQuery('#wpa-currentbidwinner').html(current_winner); }}) return false; } function ajax_other_request(auction_id) { if (ajax_other_loading) return false; ajax_others_loading ( true ); var currencysymbol = jQuery("input#currencysymbol").val(); // new jQuery AJAX routine jQuery.ajax ({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?queryother', data : { auction_ID : auction_id, _ajax_nonce: 'ece87016f1' }, error: function(request,textStatus,errorThrown) { // alert((request.status!=406? ' WP_Auction Error '+request.status+' : '+request.statusText+'\n' : '')+request.responseText); }, success: function(request, status) { ajax_others_loading(false); if (status!="success") alert (status); //"return" // update others on screen - returns multiples of 3, max 12 if (request == "") { jQuery('#wpa-otherauctions').html(''); } else { other_details = request.split('|'); odetdiv = ''; for(var i=0; i < 4;i++) { if (other_details[i*7+3] != undefined) { $image = other_details[i*7+3]; if ($image == '') { $image = 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/style/default-30.png'; } odetdiv = odetdiv + '

    '; odetdiv = odetdiv + ''; odetdiv = odetdiv + '' + other_details[i*7+2] + ''; odetdiv = odetdiv + other_details[i*7+2]; if (other_details[i*7+6] > 0) { odetdiv = odetdiv + '
    Current bid: '+currencysymbol+other_details[i*7+6]+'

    '; } else { odetdiv = odetdiv + '
    Buy It Now: '+currencysymbol+other_details[i*7+7]+'

    '; } } else { // Should be nothing here .. let's see how it goes .. } } jQuery('#wpa-otherauctions').html(odetdiv); } }}) return false; } function ajax_submit_bid(type) { // retreive form values var auction_id = jQuery("input#formauctionid").val(); if ( type == 0 ) { // standard bid var bidder_name = jQuery("input#wpa-popyourname").val(); var bidder_email = jQuery("input#wpa-popyouremail").val(); var bidder_url = jQuery("input#wpa-popcustomfield").val(); var max_bid = jQuery("input#wpa-popbid").val(); var BIN_amount = ""; } else { // BIN var bidder_name = jQuery("input#wpa-popyournamebin").val(); var bidder_email = jQuery("input#wpa-popyouremailbin").val(); var bidder_url = jQuery("input#wpa-popcustomfieldbin").val(); var max_bid = jQuery("input#wpa-popbin").val(); var BIN_amount = jQuery("input#wpa-popbin").val(); } // new jQuery AJAX routine jQuery.ajax ({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?postauction', data : { auction_id : auction_id, bidder_name : bidder_name, bidder_email : bidder_email, bidder_url : bidder_url, max_bid : max_bid, BIN_amount : BIN_amount, _ajax_nonce: 'ece87016f1' }, error: function(request,textStatus,errorThrown) { // alert((request.status!=406? ' WP_Auction Error '+request.status+' : '+request.statusText+'\n' : '')+request.responseText); }, success: function(request, status) { if (status!="success") alert (status); //"return" request = jQuery.trim(request); // give user their response alert ( request ); // fire off call to update auction details ajax_auction_request(auction_id); }}) return false; } function wpa_request_to_bid ( source ) { var auction_id = jQuery("input#wpa-request_" + source + "auction_id").val(); var bidder_id = jQuery("input#wpa-request_" + source + "bidder_id").val(); // new jQuery AJAX routine jQuery.ajax ({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?requesttobid', data : { auction_id : auction_id, bidder_id : bidder_id, _ajax_nonce: 'ece87016f1' }, error: function(request,textStatus,errorThrown) { // alert((request.status!=406? ' WP_Auction Error '+request.status+' : '+request.statusText+'\n' : '')+request.responseText); }, success: function(request, status) { if (status!="success") alert (status); //"return" // give user their response alert ( request ); }}) // swap button and display jQuery("#wpa-request_pagerequest").hide(); jQuery("#wpa-request_pageresponse").show(); return false; } function wpa_register_watcher( source ) { var auction_id = jQuery("input#wpa-" + source + "id").val(); var watch_email = jQuery("input#wpa-" + source + "email").val(); // new jQuery AJAX routine jQuery.ajax ({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?postwatch', data : { auction_id : auction_id, watch_email : watch_email, _ajax_nonce: 'ece87016f1' }, error: function(request,textStatus,errorThrown) { // alert((request.status!=406? ' WP_Auction Error '+request.status+' : '+request.statusText+'\n' : '')+request.responseText); }, success: function(request, status) { if (status!="success") alert (status); //"return" // give user their response alert ( request ); }}) return false; } // no refresh specified because timer set to: 0 function wpa_update_price( auction_id ) { jQuery.ajax ({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?update_price', data : { auction_id : auction_id, _ajax_nonce: 'ece87016f1' }, error: function(request,textStatus,errorThrown) { // alert((request.status!=406? ' WP_Auction Error '+request.status+' : '+request.statusText+'\n' : '')+request.responseText); }, success: function(request, status) { if (status!="success") alert (status); //"return" display_details = request.split('|'); jQuery('#wpa-liveprice').html(display_details[0].replace("
    ", "")); jQuery('#wpa-topbidder').html(display_details[1]); jQuery("#wpa_notice_div").html(''); jQuery("#wpa-bidhigher").html(display_details[5]); }}) return false; } function wpa_update_bids( auction_id ) { jQuery.ajax ({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?update_bids', data : { auction_id : auction_id, _ajax_nonce: 'ece87016f1' }, error: function(request,textStatus,errorThrown) { // alert((request.status!=406? ' WP_Auction Error '+request.status+' : '+request.statusText+'\n' : '')+request.responseText); }, success: function(request, status) { if (status!="success") alert (status); //"return" // update span jQuery('.wpa-currentbids').html(request); }}) return false; } function wpa_newlayout_ajax_update ( auction_id ) { jQuery("#wpa_notice_div").html('Loading..'); jQuery.ajax ({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: 'https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?update_newlayout', data : { auction_id : auction_id, _ajax_nonce: 'ece87016f1' }, error: function(request,textStatus,errorThrown) { // alert((request.status!=406? ' WP_Auction Error '+request.status+' : '+request.statusText+'\n' : '')+request.responseText); }, success: function(request, status) { // 0 = current price // 1 = top bidder // 2 = first bid date // 3 = last bid date // 4 = reserve string // 5 = bids // 6 = number of bids // 7 = end date // 8 = bid higher display_details = request.split('|'); if (status!="success") alert (status); //"return" // update details jQuery('#wpa-liveprice').html(display_details[0]); jQuery('.wpa-winner').html(display_details[1]); jQuery('#wpa-firstbiddate').html(display_details[2]); jQuery('#wpa-lastbiddate').html(display_details[3]); jQuery('.wpa-reserve').html(display_details[4]); jQuery('#bidstab').html(display_details[5]); jQuery('.wpa-bids-count').html('['+ display_details[6] +' Bids]'); jQuery('.wpa-bid-higher').html(display_details[8]); if ( display_details[7] != jQuery('#originaltime').val() ) { jQuery("#counterwarning").html('End time has changed, please refresh your browser.'); } jQuery("#wpa_notice_div").html(''); }}) return false; } function get_rss() { window.location = "https://eagleheightschurch.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-auctions/wp_auctions.php?rss"; } function resetTabs() { // make sure tabs are clean jQuery(".wpa-tabs").tabs(); jQuery(".wpa-tabs").tabs("destroy"); jQuery(".wpa-tabs").tabs(); } jQuery(function() { jQuery("#wpa-other div.wpa-other-item"); jQuery("h4.wpa-other-titles").toggle(function(){ jQuery(this).addClass("wpa-current"); }, function () { jQuery(this).removeClass("wpa-current"); }); jQuery("h4.wpa-other-titles").click(function(){ jQuery(this).next("#wpa-other div.wpa-other-item").slideToggle("medium"); }); }); // Image Tabs jQuery(function() { jQuery(".wpa-tabs").tabs(); });